Brunsdon pumps offers sales, service & repairs for ALL of the Major pool brands.
Hayward, Reltech, Astral, Davey, Pentair, spa electrics & More.
Need a brand new light? Brunsdons has you covered!
Lights not working? Brunsdons has you covered!
Need a new globe or spare part? Brunsdons has you covered!
Lights different colours? Brunsdons has you covered!
Our team experts offer FREE over the phone advice, onsite service & Installations.
We install NEW lights & RETRO-FIT lights.
We even match your old lights with NEW (No matter how old)
Simply click “Contact us” below OR Visit our showroom today for a free proposal.
Brunsdon pumps offers sales, service & repairs for ALL of the Major pool brands.
Hayward, Reltech, Astral, Davey, Pentair, spa electrics & More.